How much does the production ticket cost?
o It is Free Of Charge.
Do I need physical ticket to enter?
o No, a physical ticket is not required.
Are seats allocated or free-seating?
o Free seating, on first come first served basis.
If a family member/ friend has difficulties in moving around, do have have seats catered for them?
o Yes, we can arrange for seats that are at ground level and nearer to the restrooms. Do let us know if you will require special seating arrangement or transportation services.
If I arrive late, will I be allowed to enter the hall?
o Yes , you will at specified intervals. However, seats are subjected to availability upon door opening. Please come early to ensure a seating.
How long is the production?
o The event will run for a duration of 2 hours
Can I bring a friend along that day if he/she have not yet registered?
o Yes, walk-ins are welcomed!
What time will the door start opening?
o It will open half an hour (TBC) before the production. You are advised to come 30-45 minutes earlier to get your desired seating location.
Where can I get more information?
o For more event information, you may visit our church website at